Illustrative. Fine Line. Illustrative work.
Sarah is a tattooer who prides herself on being personable and caring when it comes to custom designs made for you.

Meet the Team
Can't get an appointment with me or don't want to wait to get into my books, then check out the other members to our team. I also am no longer tattooing small tattoos, these artist can fulfill those requests.
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Did you know I'm apart of a non-profit
Its called LARK!! What's Lark you ask? The word “lark” refers to anything done out of “uninhibited freedom” or “mischievous playfulness.” To that end, LARK is a playful, mischievous, message-forward community that is serious about teaching people to live free, but not much else. We’re a movement of friends you can learn from, laugh with, and lean on. We’re taken by the rumors of scandalous grace started by Jesus. We’re frank about our trust issues and are fellow travelers on the adventure of faith. As such, we are part of the revolution disrupting the myth of the religious God. Our purpose is to help people see Jesus for who he is so they can learn to live free...Our work is creating content, events, and space for open ended conversations. Our vision is to empower a global movement of conversationalists who help others live free. With no “church” brand to build, everyone gets to play.
In a broken-down way of saying it, I have seen a difference, a contrast, to what the Bible has said about how God loves me and how he set me free to how the church and christian community has set expectations and standards to push me to keep climbing to reach this unattainable perfection. Basically saying Christ isn't enough, I have a lot of work to do to be a good person. Why does the Bible say that Christ finished all of the work on earth and I'm free now to live in grace and love those around me. Lark is a place to constantly point me and others back to what Christ has said and step out of what the religious are asking of us that Christ never did.
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