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Artist Profile

Hi! I’m Sarah or as you may know me by ButterBee! I am the owner of Hawthorn by ButterBee. Most of you ask where I got the name ButterBee! I’m from Missouri and the state insect is a honeybee. I married my best friend from California and the state insect is a butterfly. So I married the two. Hawthorn is the shop name to include all other artists in the shop. Hawthorn is the state flower of Missouri. 

Bio: Bio

I grew up in Missouri and went to college in Chicago. I lived there 8 years which is where I also met my husband. After our daughter was born we decided to move to Fresno, CA where my husband was a firefighter. This is where I started tattooing. We welcomed our son and after a few years there. After Covid we made our way closer to family in the Bay Area. I worked in Sacramento, the city of trees. Once our kids got older we needed to slow down our life in my hometown, Hannibal, MO! So in December 2021 we moved back. 
Fun Facts: I love to read. Once of my favorite authors is Sarah J Maas. You may ofter hear me talking about her books. My perfect ideal day, is being home with my family, watching a thunderstorm roll through. I have a dairy and egg allergy so if you ever bring me a coffee please make sure it's with almond milk. I'm a daughter of God and I'm constantly learning to rest in his grace and promises. 

Bio: Text

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